Posted by: upperwalnutcreekaustin | May 20, 2019

May 2019 Monitoring

May 19: after at least two weeks of on and off rain – and flooding – it’s been sunny for a few days. And now the temperature is getting close to (and above) the usual highs. And it’s HUMID! Yuk. It’s also incredibly green, thanks to all the recent rain. Wonder how long that will last?

Saw a turtle perched on a partially submerged branch by the sample site and another swimming nearby. Both hurriedly left when spying us. No pigeons or other birds in sight or earshot.

The stream was flowing stronger than normal thanks to the recent rains and there’s no surface algae. There’s enough water flow to span the entire waterfall length (width?). The stream is high enough that someone wanting to cross from the north bank to the south bank would have to get wet feet. There are no stepping stones any more by the trail. And the gravel bar that has been on the downstream side of the bridge is mostly gone.

The water was apparently much higher at some point as we saw some fair sized branches close to the sidewalk, which are about 20 feet from the current stream, as shown in the pictures. There also is some new debris in the culvert that drains from the street level.

E-coli: there were 116 colonies at both the sample and control sites based on 3 ML samples. Within acceptable limits for an urban stream.


Air temp 26 C
water temp 23 C
dissolved oxygen 7.4
specific conductance 560
pH 7.0
nitrates 0.9


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